About us

Welcome to the Ansamble Senegal website. Whether you're a collaborator, client, guest, parent, supplier, or internet user, you'll discover information about our company, our commitments, and our services here. Our dedication to ongoing growth in Senegal aligns with our vision of being a genuine economic contributor to sustainable development. We proudly leverage our 14 years of experience in Moroccan collective catering, serving our 150 institutional clients and 260,000 guests throughout the territory. We strive to meet the needs of all, be it a school, administration, company, public or private healthcare facility, factory, hotel, mine, detention center, university, training center, and more. Our success largely stems from the professionalism, unwavering dedication, and quality brought by our 3,220 collaborators. However, it wouldn't be achievable without the countless partners who've stood by us since the outset and trust us: our suppliers, banks, ISO certifiers, advisors, and more. Don't hesitate to reach out: Nothing surpasses a conversation. Enjoy your visit.
Nicolas Belleteste
President and CEO


  • To provide a healthy, delicious, diverse, and sustainable food source, earning the trust of our guests daily. 

  • To meticulously maintain our clients’ infrastructures, kitchens, and dining areas. 

  • To consistently create a positive impact on both individuals and the environment. 

Ansamble Sénégal

Our values

Ansamble Senegal’s success as a socially responsible enterprise is attributed to a proximity management policy rooted in distinct values, combined with a compassionate approach to catering. 


Afford equal consideration to all.


Engage actively in decision-making and take full accountability for our actions. 


Uphold honesty and transparency in our interactions with employees, clients, and partners. 


Collaborate cohesively to advance the company, benefit our clients, support our partners, and protect our environment. 

Recognizing that our economic development is closely tied to active solidarity, Ansamble partners with local associations and NGOs. We strive to assist the underprivileged and foster their reintegration through work and education promotion. 

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Ansamble Senegal and Africa in figures