Health & social services

Catering in healthcare facilities

The expectations of different stakeholders in a healthcare facility, such as patients, visitors and medical staff, vary in terms of service. Staff working hours, patient pathologies and the specific needs of visitors all have to be taken into account to offer a personalized service tailored to the philosophy of each healthcare establishment.

Food to support healing

At Ansamble, our chefs and nutritionists work together to create balanced meals that support patient recovery. We believe in the importance of food in the healing process, and strive to provide meals that are tasty and adapted to each individual’s nutritional needs. Our aim is to fully integrate catering into the healing process to enhance patients’ well-being.

Objective: To embed catering seamlessly into the healing process.

Meals, a moment of conviviality and comfort

While comfort is assuredly derived from delectable dishes and a diverse range of flavorful recipes, it’s often the subtle gestures that truly resonate:

A few kind words during meal service, a little extra attention on a birthday… Witnessing patients’ recuperation is the most gratifying reward for us.

A liberating partnership for medical teams

Daily, our teams operate in tandem with nursing personnel, fostering a collaborative spirit. We assure the delivery of safe, wholesome meals from a dedicated catering specialist.

Ansamble’s offerings are transparently woven into the hospital’s overarching strategy. This synergistic alliance ensures that medical staff can remain wholly focused on their primary objective of providing care, resting assured in our dependable support.